Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Weekend Update

Our Weekend started on Thursday, when we picked up Miss Navy Blue Eyes and brought her home to spend the night. The first night away from Mommy and Daddy.
Papa likes to kiss the back of Vivi's neck.

It is usually a sneak attack.

Vivian thinks Papa is crazy!
 On Friday we were getting prepared to go to the lake with almost everyone.
Please tell me I don't have to wear this thing!

It is more than just a little big!

I like that Ozzy dog!
 Friday night we have some more visitors; Lil, Brad, Ellie & Little Audrey, Megan & Danny.
Ellie and Little Audrey
 On Saturday we head to Bullard's Bar for a fun day at the lake.
Here I am in my new pink life jacket. I don't think I like it!

It curls my ears and it is like a little straight jacket!

On Saturday night, Audrey and Bryant join us. All my little chickens and their baby chicks are under my wings! That is when the house feels right and I sleep really well knowing that they have all come home. On Sunday Megan and Daniel have to go home. The rest of us go the lake again. Poor Emma has to work all weekend. But she does get to join in on the games and chaos at night!

Bryant and Audrey
Ellie & Little Audrey trying to nap at the lake.

Ellie's favorite past time: throwing rocks.

 Ellie said her first couple of sentences:
"No, No, Papa" when he was splashing her.
"Good one, Papa" when he skipped a rock.
That make his day!

Audrey, Ellie, Brad and Little Audrey.

Lil & Bryant

Hope you had fun seeing us hang out at the lake!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! (The Bug feels like Vivi does about life jackets--!! Needless to say, after an hour of screaming--her Daddy begs not to take her back on the boat!)
