Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fun Shoes

Several years ago (I am thinking 5 years ago?), I bought this pair of shoes. These shoes have walked a lot of miles on my feet. I have loved them. They were fun, colorful, and more importantly comfortable. I broke these shoes in by running through puddles in a rainy New York City in March of that year. They have tromped through the streets of my neighborhood. They have adorned my feet in a cute outfit that were of the same color scheme. They have stood in for slippers to go out to get the newspaper off the driveway. They have lost the cute zebra print lining and they now have holes in the fabric. It is time to retire  and designate them for shoes to wear only at home or in the garden.

But look what I found yesterday while doing some back to school shopping with Emma, some fun new shoes! They are not quite as comfy as the old ones. They need some break in time! (Wouldn't a trip to a big city do that?)

And I also found this pair of purple flats! What self respecting Kansas State University alumna could pass up buying a pair of these?

What fun shoes are in your closet?

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