Monday, August 13, 2012

Perseid Meteor Showers

For the last two nights I have taken a blanket and spread it out on my front lawn. Then I lay down in the quiet and watch for meteors. I have seen some pretty spectacular ones that jettison across the sky a long way. I have marveled at the milky way and constellations. I have listened to the symphony of the frogs and crickets. I have prayed that no skunks, moles or bears would surprise me. I have felt the dew settle in on me. I have thought how in Kansas the stars are so much brighter and how big the sky is there. I have thought, I must do this more often. And I have thought, I must remember to do this with my grandchildren when they are a little older.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you must do this with the grands. So much fun! I was hoping for a show on my morning run--and I got nothing but clouds! :(
