Saturday, August 11, 2012

A New Journal

I wish I was one of those persons who could do an illustrated journal with simple sketches of travels and vignettes of the everyday life. But alas, I cannot draw. My journals are filled with lists; a bucket list, a gift list, lists of books I want to read, movies I want to see, music I like, a household improvement list, a garden list, packing for a trip list, blog list, photos I want to take list, and recipes I'd like to try. Then I have actual recipes I have written down. Sometimes they are written on a scrap piece of paper and taped in the journal. I also have quotations from movies or books that I like. Craft project ideas are also thrown in the book.
My journals, have never been very organized until today. My new journal (the one on the left) has tabs! I added the tabs with blank pages in between for all the lists, recipes, etc. Maybe I will find what I am looking for faster, but the old journal style does have a certain charm. While sifting through the pages, it jogs my memory about parties, movies, cooking days with my friend, trips to Kansas and what to pack and what I thought I wanted to do or see or have.
Maybe in the new journal I will add a drawing class to my bucket list.

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