Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Time Flies

The cuckoo clock hung on the wall and was silent. It couldn't keep up with the time. The old bird could barely squeak out a coo, much less a cuckoo. The people no longer had the energy to spin around on the dance floor to their favorite tune.
After the construction dust was gone, the clock went in for a good cleaning and tune up. Now I am reminded how fast time flies. Every hour the little bird comes out and happily and quickly proclaims the time. The people dance around the floor with new vigor as the music seems to have a new cadence of double time.

I think I have a knack for wasting time. That clock seems to scream at me now. Another hour gone and what have you done? It makes me feel like the old bird. But I choose not to pull the lever that silences the bird and the song. Maybe this next hour I can dance double time to the music. Oops there it goes again! Time to dance.

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