Friday, May 11, 2012

How We Lived

Warning: The following pictures may cause claustrophobia and may make me eligible for an episode of Extreme Hoarders.   

The kitchen table.
Our Dining Room Table with microwave oven.

The Living Room

Having the refrigerator in the living room is convenient. Note the  sheet of plastic for a wall.

The front entryway was trim and fixture storage.

The guest bedroom was a jam packed storage unit.

My temporary kitchen was the workbench and lawn mower. The contractors didn't mind the biscuits and gravy prepared here!

Dish storage.

The pantry.

The dish washing station.
These pictures cause me anxiety by looking at them. My home was not a peaceful place during the eight weeks of construction. Is my home all put back together? No. It is still a work in progress. Was it worth it in the end? Every bit! Would I do it again? Ask me later! Am I appreciative? Yes, every time  I walk in my beautiful kitchen and living room! I am a happy girl!


  1. Is it wrong that this looks like my house on a normal day?? argh!!

    A little blog shout out coming your way tomorrow!

  2. I've come here from your big sis' blog (although she claims you two are twins--Ha!).
    I'm impressed with your organization for not just coping with renovation but appearing to thrive during it---I mean biscuits and gravy from the garage--seriously? Double wow! Everything had a place in the midst of what probably seemed like chaos. From this outsider looking in:If it was chaos, it was very organized, contolled chaos! You could hire yourself out to help others set up for 'thriving' through renovation. Kudos to you.:>)
    And I'm envious for the sisterhood---I've wanted one since I became an adult-didn't much think about it as a kid.

  3. Beth...let me say THESE TWO NUTS didn't fall far from the same CrAzY tree...BUT ONE of them hit her head a little harder when she fell (Mrs. E in case you needed help!)

  4. These photos gave ME a bit of anxiety! A kitchen remodel is certainly not for the meek of spirit! The end result was well-worth the chaos, right? :-)
