Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Am On A Misson

I am on a mission to perfect my fruit pie baking skills. I usually have fruit pies where the crusts are soggy and the fruit mess inside falls out of the crust when trying to serve a slice. It is more like pie soup. I went online this week and learned a few tips. The following pie was made with canned peaches. 

 Tip #1: You can add 1 tsp. of extra cornstarch for each cup of fruit.
 Tip #2: The vent holes must be of a significant size to allow the steam to escape, which means that my cute drawings in the upper pie shell weren't cutting it!
 Tip #3: The pie has to cool completely before cutting. Plan ahead!
Success! Finally a pie that has a flaky crust and the fruit stays in place! Next week: fresh strawberry rhubarb pie.

1 comment:

  1. OK. So this is why you deserve a nice kitchen. Could you send some of this my way?? : ) I'm feeling a theme here!
