Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wacky Wednesday, Part 1

What do you see?

Every morning  I study the tiles in the shower while I am bathing. I look for hidden objects in the patterns. Weird, I know. It seems I am always searching for images. I don't really know why I do this. Could it be that I read too many "Where's Waldo" or "I Spy" books to the girls? 
For the next few Wednesday's I will be posting pictures of my bathroom tiles and you can play along with me. Let me know what you see.

The following tile is an easy one. Already you spy the white dog in the right hand corner. Then towards the center you will see  a woman's dress silhouette and it you look closely her face is above and she is frowning. It wasn't until I converted the picture to black and white that I also can make out a kangaroo, a wide eyed frog and a pig head.

I will circle the items and show you tomorrow. Wacky & Weird. Yes that about sums up my personality!


  1. You are weird! And unfortunately, so am I. I totally see them, along with the fact that there could be 3 little girls playing to the left of the woman. One is in profile. argh!!!

  2. You BOTH are wierd!!! I figure it's from all the drinking you do!
    Love ya,
