Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rating Movies

I rate movies by how many tissues I use. I like movies that make me laugh and cry.  Last night we watched  "We Bought  A Zoo".   It was a 4 tissue movie. I cried because the mom had died and the characters are figuring out how to move on with life. That will get me every time. And I laughed. My favorite line in the movie occurred when one of the zoo keepers was in the cage with the lion. He turns to the lion and says. 'you don't want me. I am too full of scotch, and bitterness and impure thoughts.' ( Somehow it was funnier in the movie at 1:00 a.m.;  when you are caught up in the characters and the action. ) I loved the movie, if you haven't seen it, rent it. I recommend it.

How do you rate your movies?

P.S. The record for tissues is 13 for watching "One True Thing". I was a wreck!

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