Thursday, July 19, 2012

Uncle Walt's Cookies

Uncle Walt, on my husband's side of the family, was a character. (but hey, aren't we all?) Uncle Walt wore red suspenders and would begin drinking about 6:00 pm every day. Uncle Walt would not sit down when he was drinking. He always stood, with a beer in hand and spent his night drinking. On occasion, while he was standing and drinking, he would make cookies; really good cookies. I have tried to copy his cookies, but something always seems to be lacking. Today was another failed attempt. I like the dough, but not the baked version. (As a side note, we duplicated this concoction in ice cream, when we had the ice cream store and it was spectacular!)

Here is my failed recipe, still good, but not as good as my memory! Perhaps I need to drink to make these as good as my memory serves!!

Uncle Walt's Cookies
1c. Butter softened
1c. shortening
1 1/2 c. brown sugar
1 1/2c. white sugar
4 large eggs
2 t. vanilla
2 t. baking soda
2t. cinnamon
1t. salt
2 1/2 c. flour
6c. oatmeal
2c. walnuts, roughly chopped
1 bag of chocolate chips
 Cream together the butter, shortening, and sugars. Add eggs and beat until fluffy. Add vanilla, baking soda. cinnamon, salt. Stir in flour and oatmeal until mixed well. Add walnuts and chocolate chips and stir until thoroughly mixed. Bake 10-12 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven.

When they came out I thought they were a bit dry. So here is how I will change the recipe for the next time.
I will toast the walnuts to bring out more flavor. I will use regular sized chocolate chips (not the mini ones, but that is what I had on hand!), maybe cut back on some of the oatmeal and I totally forgot  raisins. So to "save" the rest of the dough, I have raisins soaking in spiced rum. I will soak overnight and add them tomorrow. So stay tuned for part two.
 If any of Martin's cousin's have their dad's recipe; send it my way! And may Uncle Walt rest in peace.

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