Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Out of the Mouths of Babes

We have a couple of funny stories from Ellie from this past weekend.
The first one is about my food processor. I love that little appliance, but it makes a very loud  noise when I run it. So loud, that I usually close doors to the office when Martin is working. Or, I announce I am going to run the noisy beast. Martin and Ellie were in the other room when I announced "I am running the food processor." I then turned it on. Poor little Ellie was scared. She put her hands over her ears and repeated a few times; "it's okay, it's okay."
 The second story is about cars. Ellie loves cars. While she and Papa were walking through the grocery store, they came across a back to school display with cars pictured. Ellie spies it way ahead of Papa, and takes him over to look at it. There was a Nascar and a Lotus. Ellie points to the Lotus and says, "Nice."

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