Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pie, Pie Me Oh My

Look what I found in my local grocery store: Gravenstein Apples! They are a baking apple, so I researched for a really good pie recipe and came across this one from All Recipes.

I don't know who Grandma Ople is, but she has a really good recipe for apple pie. Martin stated 'it was the best apple pie he has had in his life'. I think it is a combination of the recipe with all that butter and sugar, and the type of apple used. Either way, you can bet there are more apple pies in my future!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Adventure, Final

My favorite pictures from the weekend adventure.

A Tangle of Dried Kelp
Find the heart shaped rock.

Ocean Spray

Sunset on another fabulous day.

Proof that the world looks better in Rose Colored Glasses! And now you know why I wear them!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Adventure, Part 2

Friday morning, we take our lawn chairs and set up them up on the beach for a day of watching the waves, the sea lion, and the sea gulls and pelicans. I never get bored doing this!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Adventure, Part 1

  I love a good adventure. While this one may have not been hazardous, it was exciting. We had decided to go camping at the coast in our Chevy Suburban. "What are you guys 18?" asked Megan. "Really?", asked Rachel. We chose the coast near Fort Bragg and Mendocino but made no reservations at any campground. We would be vagabonds (as Karen quipped)  from Thursday to Sunday. We had no agenda, just go, sit on the beach, watch the waves and decompress.
We packed up the 'burb',

And headed out of town.

We took Hwy 20, past this eagle's nest. This time I was ready with my camera.

With a quick fuel up and windshield wash in Yuba City we were on our way.

It is a slow drive by Clear Lake.
At Willits, turn left to stay on 20 and drive through
the Redwood forest.
Relaxing at our campsite in Navarro State Park.
The sunset on Thursday night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Take a Little Trip

 On Sunday, we took a little trip on the motorcycle to Downieville, an old gold mining town north of us. It was a great Sunday drive on Hwy 49 with a lot of curves, not to mention it was shady and cooler.

The North Yuba River.

My driver!

It was refreshing as it looks.

I am a foot dipper. Any time there is a body of water, my feet must go in.

The Granddaughters

On Saturday, we made the rounds to see the granddaughters. 
Little Audrey loves to lean against Papa and look out at the world.

We took Ellie to get frozen yogurt. When we asked do you need a napkin? She said "Of Course."

Miss Vivian is learning how to stand up and then let go.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Teacup Collection, Part 4

I have a friend, Karen, who grew up in England. When she went home to visit her family, she came back with teacups for me. She brought back all four of the "Brambly Hedge" Season teacups. One for each of my daughters. She was very generous! They are  based on the children's books of "Brambly Hedge" by Jill Barklem. These are stories of field mice and their adventures with beautiful illustrations. This is the autumn teacup and storybook.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Out of the Mouths of Babes

We have a couple of funny stories from Ellie from this past weekend.
The first one is about my food processor. I love that little appliance, but it makes a very loud  noise when I run it. So loud, that I usually close doors to the office when Martin is working. Or, I announce I am going to run the noisy beast. Martin and Ellie were in the other room when I announced "I am running the food processor." I then turned it on. Poor little Ellie was scared. She put her hands over her ears and repeated a few times; "it's okay, it's okay."
 The second story is about cars. Ellie loves cars. While she and Papa were walking through the grocery store, they came across a back to school display with cars pictured. Ellie spies it way ahead of Papa, and takes him over to look at it. There was a Nascar and a Lotus. Ellie points to the Lotus and says, "Nice."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weekend Activities

The weekend was a flurry of activity. There was:

Little Audrey talking to her mommy.

Helping Nana with A. Emma's Birthday Cake

Playing (we babysat Miss Viv on Friday)

Visiting with a good friend, Aleisha

More Playing  with A. Em and A. Audg  supervising

Birthday Cake!



And lots of loving!
There was also a football party at Erica and Carlos' house on Sunday, that I did not take a single picture.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Of Helium Balloons and Such

The big and the little people were here this weekend. We love having them visit. When they go home we feel a little like the helium balloon; a little deflated and a little off balance. And Mondays, like today, are dedicated to picking up the toys and the books and hoping they will come back soon.